This edition of the Eye on Employment is once again released amid exceptional times. As such, NWPB has attempted to offer as much context…
This edition of the Eye on Employment once again occurs alongside singular times. NWPB has attempted to offer as much context as possible on the scope and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Niagara.
The COVID-19 Coronavirus represents an unprecedented economic and employment disruption. On April 9, 2020, Statistics Canada will release new data for its monthly Labour Force Survey. Whatever these data show us, it is clear that things will not be business as usual.
The Eye on Employment is NWPB’s monthly breakdown of the latest data from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey. In this document, we will provide…
The Eye on Employment is NWPB’s monthly breakdown of the latest data from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey. In this document, we will provide…
The Eye on Employment is NWPB’s monthly breakdown of the latest data from Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey. In this document, we will provide…
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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