Workforce Collective and Literacy Link Niagara are piloting a staff and resource sharing model. We’re also “reimagining governance”— how we lead our organizations— to advance our mission and expand capacity.
As a non-profit learning network organization, Literacy Link Niagara has supported local literacy and basic skills programs for more than 20 years. The programs LLN support are free and accessible to any adult in Niagara. They offer many ways for adults to further their education, upgrade their employment and/or gain independence to achieve greater wellbeing.
There is a growing mismatch between the skills workers have and those that employers require. This is known as the “skills gap”. We’re collecting data from stakeholders to examine this mismatch and inform how we might collectively innovate within training and skills development to close the gap.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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