Launched in November 2023, the Niagara Workforce Coalition is making connections, weaving information into planning, and working together to reach our workforce potential. We act as a practical hub for addressing local labour market challenges and resourcing needs.
Join us to:
Know who’s who and how they’re serving employers and job seekers.
Coordinate data and information to increase capacity and reduce duplication.
Determine workforce needs and co-initiate solutions.
All too often, we hear from local small to medium-sized businesses that lack HR support. So, we’re testing a new support model to assist Girotti Machine Ltd. with their talent recruitment and workforce planning activities. The goal is to learn as much as we can during this 6-month pilot and refine our process before offering this support to other SMEs.
Niagara is primed for new investments by larger employers too, like Ashai Kasei. While they tend to have well-resourced HR systems, they’re new to our community (and complex workforce ecosystem). We’re assisting them to navigate and find talent through local employment agencies, education institutions, training organizations, and various other networks.
Each partner in the Coalition has valuable information that can shape ideas and solutions to workforce challenges. We learn about emerging opportunities and the realities of the labour market each time we gather and share.
This openness has led to 3 new partnerships and projects (that we know of) among Coalition partners, focused in innovating training/skills development and talent attraction. We’re advocating for better systems for sharing information to support our respective work.
We’re designing a workforce planning and development action plan that focuses on talent attraction and retention, leveraging our existing population, and addressing gaps (e.g. the mismatch between the skills workers have and those that employers require).
Our action plan will be informed by forecasting workforce supply and demand in the core and emerging sectors identified in Niagara Region’s 10-year Economic Development Strategy.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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