Niagara Workforce Coalition

Niagara Workforce Coalition

Home Our Work Niagara Workforce Coalition


We’re enhancing our community’s workforce by promoting collaboration, innovation and resource-sharing. 

Employers and employer-serving organizations play a crucial role in shaping the coalition’s initiatives, sharing valuable insights into industry needs and hiring trends. Education organizations develop the talent pipeline and support students to graduate with the skills to succeed in the job market. Employment services and other non-profit organizations provide information and essential support for job seekers, such as training and career counseling.

Launched in November 2023, the Niagara Workforce Coalition brings together interested parties to build connections, integrate workforce planning, and address workforce challenges.

What We do

  • Employers and Employer-Serving Organizations: Provide insights into industry needs and hiring trends, shaping our initiatives.
  • Educational Institutions: Develop the talent pipeline and ensure students graduate with the skills needed to succeed in the job market.
  • Employment Services and Non-Profits: Offer essential support for job seekers, including training, career counseling, and labour market information.

Current Initiatives

  • Integrated Workforce Planning and Development: Creating a cohesive approach to workforce planning.
  • Talent Attraction and Retention Support: Developing new models to assist employers in attracting and retaining talent.
  • Workforce Solutions Campaign: Mobilizing information and inspiring workforce-related solutions.

How We Work

  • Monthly Meetings: Strengthening connections and sharing insights.
  • Representative Participation: Each organization appoints a representative to attend meetings and facilitate collaboration within their team and the Coalition.

Get Involved

We are a group of employers and industry associations, economic developers, education and employment services, and support organizations acting as a practical hub for addressing local workforce resourcing needs.

Join us to:


Know who’s who and how they’re serving employers and job seekers.


Coordinate data and info to increase capacity and reduce duplication.

Take Action

Anticipate workforce needs and co-initiate solutions.

Help Us Serve You Better

We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.

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