A thriving community powered by a diverse and healthy workforce.
We work in partnership across Niagara (and beyond) to address workforce challenges and find solutions; and harvest valuable insights to improve planning and decision making. Learn about our work →
We re-branded in the fall of 2022, from Niagara Workforce Planning Board to Workforce Collective.
After decades of analyzing labour market dynamics, listening to employers and working within different employment systems, we’re more committed than ever to community-based approaches that address the complex workforce issues we’re all navigating.
Everything we do happens in partnership. We collaborate with service delivery organizations and employers who are leading workforce-related solutions. We add value to those efforts through data collection and analysis, grant writing, project design and/or evaluation, impact assessment, and more. Let’s work together →
Select any photo below to read more about our team members.
Select any photo below to read more about our Board of Directors.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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