Location: downtown Grimsby, Ontario
Time: 12:30-2pm
We’re hosting a focus group-style Design Lab to launch our new Employer & Resource Navigation service. This service aims to support employers (people leaders, HR personnel, small business owners) to attract, hire and retain newcomer talent and is a solution-in-prototype developed through our “Engaging SMEs” project.
Interested in attending? Email jamie@workforcecollective.ca and please note any dietary needs.
Location: Workforce Collective HQ
Time: 5:30-7:30pm
Please RSVP to info@workforcecollective.ca by June 5th.
Location: Brockville, Chatham, Midhurst & Sudbury (Ontario)
Design Labs are interactive, workshop-style meetings that bring people from diverse perspectives together to explore new solutions to a problem. We’re co-hosting 4 Design Labs alongside partners in Chatham-Kent, Eastern Ontario, Simcoe, and Sudbury in response to our ELCC workforce crisis – an issue that has a ripple effect into our economy as a whole.
Email rachel@workforcecollective.ca to learn more.
Location: Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario
This one day forum is for anyone who is developing solutions to our most pressing workforce issues. It’s an opportunity to step outside of “the everyday” to learn and build alongside peers from communities across Ontario.
Email rachel@workforcecollective.ca to learn more.
Design Labs are interactive, workshop-style meetings that inspire insights and explore new solutions to a problem. We convened 13 leaders within various non-profit organizations in Niagara to with a focus on “how might we attract and retain talent in the non-profit workforce?”
What’s new in our workforce today? Learn about labour trends, shortages, remote work, automation and more in this webinar hosted by GNCC’s Espresso Live featuring Vivian Kinnaird, CEO at Workforce Collective.
Catch the recording here.
Design Labs are interactive, workshop-style meetings that bring people from diverse perspectives together to explore new solutions to a problem. Following the release of our 2-page Briefing note (Equitable Employment for Immigrants – A Win-Win For All), this Lab focused on the grounding question: “How might we support better employment outcomes for newcomers to Niagara?”
EDCO facilitated a pre-conference lunch n’ learn called “Who cares about Economic Development?”
During the event, Rachel Crane, Learning & Engagement Lead at Workforce Collective, presented on a panel related to Early Learning and Childcare (ELCC) as economic infrastructure.
Rachel promoted how paying ELCC workers more = better care + access for children and families = boost to our economy.
Design Labs are interactive, workshop-style meetings that inspire insights and explore new solutions to a problem. We convened stakeholders in economic development and early learning and child care (ELCC) into a Design Lab in response to our ELCC workforce crisis – an issue that has a ripple effect into our economy as a whole.
We referred to our Briefing Note (Childcare Workforce in Crisis: Our Economy Won’t Work Without ELCC Workers) as the problem statement and “How might we attract and retain ELCC workers?” as the grounding question.
We co-hosted this focus group alongside community partners to better understand how the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the employment experiences of BIPOC and to explore career advancement pathways going forward.
Stakeholders gathered at the annual Niagara Economic Summit to engage in thought-provoking discussions about pressing economic issues, including our ongoing workforce challenges. Vivian Kinnaird, CEO at Workforce Collective, presented on a panel discussion called the ‘War on Talent’.
Catch the recording here.
Women from all different walks of life were invited to an outdoor, family-friendly event to dialogue about their employment navigating through employment and dream about future career possibilities.
Click here to learn insights from the event.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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