Millions of workers across North America are quitting their jobs each month and not necessarily resuming other jobs. Yes, this is impacting us in Niagara as we observe a collective shift in priorities combined with nation-wide labour shortages.
NWPB has released its Local Labour Market Planning Report for the year 2020. This year’s report examines the data through the lens of COVID-19 and it’s impact on local business and the local labour market.
A 2018 report on Niagara’s Tourism Profile found that 2.4% of visitors to the region (316,000 visitors) travelled specifically for shopping…
This briefing note provides an outline on characteristics of the retail trade workforce and the predominant jobs in Niagara’s retail sector.
This briefing note is part of a series on COVID-19 and its impact on the retail trade sector. Other briefing notes in this series…
This briefing note is one of a series on COVID-19 and its impact on the retail trade sector. This piece focuses on the broader…
Niagara enjoyed increases in employment between September 2020 and October 2020, adding 6,300 people to the local employment count. Compared to this time last year, however, the current data show 6,200 fewer employed Niagara residents.
September is the fifth consecutive month to see national employment gains since the beginning of the pandemic.
Brock Niagara Community Observatory has released a special report written in partnership with NWPB, regarding COVID-19’s economic impact on women in Niagara’s workforce.
NWPB is proud to be partnering with Brock University, working collaboratively toward equitable economic recovery in Niagara. We invite you to join us for a discussion on these topics – click to learn more.
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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