Niagara Networks & Industry Collaborative

Home BlogNiagara Networks & Industry Collaborative

We were honored to have had the opportunity to participate in this initiative, bringing a diverse and dedicated group of industry professionals together to discuss how we can build a better Niagara workforce.

Report: Insights from Niagara Networks & Industry Collaborative

On May 24th, 2023, the South Niagara Chamber of Commerce brought together 56 individuals from organizations across Niagara representing a wide range of industry stakeholders—from businesses and employers to educators and economic developers.

The Niagara Networks and Industry Collaborative provided a forum for attendees to connect with local, potential customers, suppliers, and vendors to better deepen connections through dialogue. Industry leaders gathered into smaller breakout groups, based on industry, to openly discuss challenges and opportunities in their respective sectors.

There were seven discussion groups: education, healthcare, home building, manufacturing, real estate, small businesses, and tourism. Across these interconnected groups, several common challenges and opportunities began to emerge:

  • Productivity challenges related to talent attraction and retention
  • Shifting values and expectations (e.g. work-life balance)
  • Technology and our ability to adapt to technological evolution
  • Collaboration—working with partners and stakeholders in new ways

During the event, we also explored many solutions, including:

  • Support for employers (e.g. Employer & Resource Navigation)
  • How can health be central in our workforce development?
  • Affordable housing task force
  • Succession planning
  • Modernize employee recruitment
  • There is a lot of support for startups, but what about established small businesses?
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